
Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Sometimes after Christmas, the whole world seems to let out a deep sigh of resignation to the coming winter and the passing of the holiday season. It can be a dreary time for many, especially this year as so many issues continue to drag on around the world. This year for many has been a long, dreary one to begin with, and yet the change to the new year will not necessarily instantly change all of that. We may be excited to see this year pass on, but the change of circumstance may still be some time off.

I cracked a bit of a smile last month when God reminded me of how His word for me this year was “Follow.” I realized that the reason for this was because most of the year I had no idea what was coming next or what I should do, so I simply had to follow as He led. He kept bringing Isaiah 30:21 to me, where He says a voice behind us will call out right or left as we walk. And I kept thinking that I’d love a little more of a heads-up when it comes to directions than just a quick word right as I should be making a turn! But that’s walking moment-by-moment with Him, and there is a sweetness to recognizing His love in directing our steps.

This coming year I have received the phrase “Light in Darkness” and am eager to see how God will bring that about. There is something so significant about light to God. The first words He spoke in creating the world were “Let there be Light!” And He calls Jesus the Light of the world, and also us as believers. Darkness cannot remain when a light enters a room. It must flee. I wonder how often I have tried to drive out darkness in so many different ways, when all I needed to do was bring the Light. And we always have Light—for He dwells within us, shining through all our cracks to bring Light to darkness.

The Pressure of Doing Everyday Life

The Pressure of Doing Everyday Life

Do you ever feel the pressure of living out your calling, and wonder how you are going to be what everyone needs or wants you to be? How are you going to raise these kids? How are you going to preach on Sunday? How are you going to show up to a marriage which requires so much? How are you going to do one more day in a menial, thankless job that barely pays the bills? How are you going to love a person in your life who keeps responding in bitterness? How are you going to listen to the question of an aging parent and answer with patience for the hundredth time today?

Floating not Drowning

Floating not Drowning

Sometimes it feels like drowning.Like the abyss is swallowing you up.Sometimes your feet find no foundationAnd your mind wanders in frantic search.The waves threaten to cover youLeaving no trace of life behindThe fear seems to choke youAs you wait for a rescue that seems far away.