Courageous Peace

I often misunderstand God’s peace. I want it to be an absence of hard circumstances, or not being uncomfortable. Sometimes, it’s equated with happiness. But the verses in the Bible about peace don’t view peace like this at all. In fact, it’s often talked about in the middle of hard things. And Jesus says that it’s not a fragile peace like the world gives, but perfect peace. Unexplainable peace. 

I have realized that I generally want peace to be tied to circumstances, but that’s comfort. No, peace doesn’t come from what surrounds you, but from Jesus Himself. To me, that’s actually quite a relief as that means I don’t have to have great circumstances to find peace. (Although, don’t get me wrong—I’d love to not be in the middle of suffering.) But that means that anywhere, and in anything, Jesus can be my peace.

So, what is peace? I would define it as the unexplainable, steady calming in my spirit that lets me approach any impending or already-realized difficulty without fear or anxiety. And it’s not something I can drum up or generate. Rather, it’s mine for the asking. God brings EVERYTHING I need. He is in me, and I am in Him. 

Jesus says in the verses I’ve included at the end of the post that His gift is peace, and that the same peace in Him is in us. We don’t to figure out how to have peace—we simply accept His gift. 

My mind instantly starts telling me why I shouldn’t be peaceful. Look at what’s going on in the world! Look at where your situation is! Look at how you don’t have enough and you can’t figure out how to help yourself! On and on it blathers away. And I have to turn away from the noise, putting my eyes back on Jesus over and over. He is the One who has what I need, and He is the One who is with me. I don’t have to have explanations—I need peace.

The result of this peace is that I can walk through whatever thing surrounds me with sort of a bubble around me. This bubble allows things that would usually send me into crazy anxiety or overwhelm to bounce off. They surround me, but they don’t get inside me. It’s like a protective shield that makes me courageous and brave. 

Peace wraps around me and fills my spirit, and I walk forward one step at a time with courage. God’s peace isn’t explainable, but it is real and always available.

I know sometimes the world can get the best of us and we forget the peace we have access to. But a guilt trip is not the answer then. We can stop, refocus and ask for God’s peace to reign in our hearts. We may have to do it a million times in a day, but it does make a difference. No more freaking out or being ruled by whatever is the fear of the day, but resting in the sweetness of walking with Jesus while nothing can get past the shield of peace.  

And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!” John 16:33

“I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous! John 14:27