Baby Steps

There was a movie many years ago called “What About Bob?” in which the two main characters are a psychiatrist and patient. The patient proceeds to drive the psychiatrist totally crazy by following his “baby steps” right into chasing the therapist down on vacation. The idea of baby steps for everything—small movements or decisions in life that add up to bigger strides to a goal—were supposed to help Bob (the patient) to overcome some of his anxiety. As funny as that movie was about the whole thing, there is something to be said for baby-stepping your way through life.

Mike Wells called it moment-by-moment abiding. He talked about living life in the present rather than moving into the past or future. Maybe you are waking up today with little hope and no motivation. Maybe you feel like a burden, or like you don’t matter. Maybe you feel invisible, like no matter how much you do, it’s never good enough. Maybe you feel like you can’t go on.

If this is you, I would encourage you to start with the baby steps, the moment-by-moment abiding. In this moment before you even get out of bed, thank God that He shows up to be with you in that step down to the floor. Invite Him to be all you need for this day, acknowledging He is welcome even in your mess.

As you move into whatever day you have ahead of you, He goes before you and surrounds you with His strength. He carries you through the difficult, the mundane and the confusing. You can admit your weakness and recognize His power as it is seen more clearly in your lack.

And then you will forget. You will get overwhelmed and frustrated. You move into discouragement, convinced your life will never change or you will always be stuck in this place of suffering. Allow the feeling of this amnesia to wake you up! The red flags of stress, overwhelm, confusion and lack of motivation all shoot up to remind you that you don’t have to be enough for this by yourself. And when you try, you fail quickly.

Instead, baby step back to focus on Jesus. Recognize only by the power of His Life within will you be able to do this moment, and then the next. You acknowledge the connection you’ve always had to the Vine, for it never went away but was just waiting to be wanted.

The more you acknowledge your lack, the more you get comfortable with your weakness. It is not a disqualification, but rather a necessity to look to Jesus for what you need rather than yourself. And then you can take each moment as it comes and live in the present, for you have a God who is big enough for this moment. He will be big enough for the next one as well, but not until you are there. Trying to outstep God only leads to frustration and overwhelm.

Whatever you face today, will you choose to look to the One who holds you through it, asking Him to be all you need for each circumstance? Together, we will walk forward in Him, celebrating our weaknesses and rejoicing in His power perfected in that weakness.

But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9