
The Distraction of What We Don't Have

The Distraction of What We Don't Have

A mentor of mine was talking to me recently about how often we obsess on what we don’t have, allowing ourselves to get distracted and discouraged. We are limited enormously when we are frozen in the comparison, obsession and looking off at what we think will complete us or make us happy.

Maybe it’s a relationship. Or a skill. Or financial security (perceived or temporary as it might be). Or a thousand other things we look at and desire, thinking that if we could just have the thing, we would be content and satisfied.

But that’s the rub. We might get whatever it is we desire, and it just pushes us to another thing. That’s the nature of this life—constant distraction and pushing towards something else we think we need and don’t have. It won’t satisfy. It won’t fulfill.

So, what’s the alternative? Looking at what we have.

My Shepherd and Contentment

My Shepherd and Contentment

I recently heard a man say that he dealt with life throughout the day by reciting Psalm 23. He said it was the best antidepressant he had found. I think if it had been anyone other than Mike Wells’ old mentor from India, I might have ignored this because so many formulas have been thrown at us they sound hollow. But this wasn’t a formula to him—it was a way of refocusing.

Why Would Anyone Listen to Me?

Why Would Anyone Listen to Me?

"Why would anyone listen to me? I’m a late-30’s chick who hasn’t experienced everything in life, doesn’t have all the answers and can’t fix anyone." That’s what flashes through my mind anytime someone tells me that God has spoken to them through me. But isn’t that the coolest thing? I have Jesus living in me, and Jesus has been tried in every way, is the Way and can give new Life!