
My Shepherd

My Shepherd

I am invited into a friendship.
The kind I’ve not known before.
No rejection or conditions,
And weakness is my qualification.

My Shepherd wants to take my cares,
My worries, my struggles, my fears.
He lifts them off my shoulders—
I feel so lightened and free!

My Shepherd is tender and gentle.
He catches every tear in my eyes.
He is compassionate and caring,
Never impatient or condemning.

My Shepherd is an oasis of refreshment.
He nourishes and provides for every need.
He ushers in the weary,
To renew their strength and help them walk.

Lessons in Rest

Lessons in Rest

As we close out 2019, I am reflecting on the word God gave me this year. I don’t do a word for the year often, but this one was incredibly prominent throughout the year for me. He gave me the word “rest” and I wanted to tell you what He’s taught me about rest this year.

When God first told me that “rest” was the theme for the year, I laughed because of all I had to accomplish this year. It was not the year I would have picked for rest. But what He was showing me was that rest wasn’t about what I had to do, but the Source from which I operated.  When I realize that everything I need for the Christian life comes from the Life of Christ within, I don’t have to overexert, overcommit, or overwork to try to make it all happen.

Carrying Others' Burdens

Carrying Others' Burdens

We had a beautiful women’s retreat this last weekend, full of fellowship and freedom as we recognized that we have everything we need for the Christian life already within us in Christ’s Life. One of the things we talked about was how we sometimes feel the need to carry the burdens of others. We feel we must carry the burdens of our family, our friends, our coworkers, our kids and so many others.