Simple & Humble

So many things over the last few months have felt complicated, stressful and downright scary. I find some humor in the fact that the answers God keeps giving me about each of these situations is very similar—keep it simple. I’m grateful He doesn’t add the “stupid” as some do, but He does remind me repeatedly that trying to figure out a way through these things on my own is only going to bring more headaches.

I don’t generally even pray for a word of the year as some do, but there is always a theme that starts to rise above the rest towards the end of one year into the beginning of the next. I welcome it now, as I realize God is giving me some insight into what He is growing in me. I love that this isn’t a task I’m supposed to complete or a lesson I’m supposed to learn well and check off. Instead, it is what His Life in me is going to achieve and guide me in to as we walk together.

Simplicity, I have noticed, is related to humility. If I feel I must know the way ahead and I can handle it on my own, I end up making things more complicated every time. Humility means that I recognize my lack of ability, and then faith allows me to rely completely on God’s ability within me. Corrie ten Boom said, “It is not my ability, but my response to God’s ability, that counts.”

In Micah 6, Micah is talking about what God wants from us, and how it’s not loads of sacrifice. Instead, he keeps it very simple. Walk justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly before your God.

As I prayed through this verse, I was reminded of how Christ’s life within makes all of this possible. All that God asks of us He actually makes possible and empowers us to do. How crazy is that?

I only know how to walk justly or do what is fair and just to my neighbor when I am walking with God, as He is the one who determines justice. He calls us to live with integrity, which is possible because He has given us new Life in Him. Normal life for us when abiding in Him is to walk with integrity, or uprightly.

I am able to love mercy as it has been shown to me, and I want to be compassionate and loyal as Christ gives me His eyes for the people around me. This isn’t, by the way, because they are all deserving of this compassion. I have never deserved the mercy that Jesus has given me, so why would I wait until others deserve it? Instead, He has given me worth and a whole new identity, so I’m able to let that mercy flow through me to those around me.

I walk humbly before God, not taking myself too seriously and surrendering to the One who is able as I see what I lack. But I don’t stop there. I see my inability and weakness, and step into the strength Jesus brings through me, walking with God-confidence to approach any situation in humility.

So simple. Keep it simple. With every situation, bring it to Jesus, waiting to see how He will be enough in it. I can step into His ability, not allowing my inability to govern me with fear and trepidation. He is already making a way because He is the Way. I just get to walk with Him as He unfolds it before me.

But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously—take God seriously. Micah 6:8 (MSG)