In What Are You Trusting?

I am discovering there is nothing like the year 2020 for helping us sift through and recognize what it is we use as our foundation and safety point. For many, it’s being able to get up each day and not have to think too much about going out, or our health. The COVID crisis this year has changed that significantly, and we no longer have the freedom to go about life as we did before. Those who struggle with chronic illness have walked through shifting trust away from health already, and in some ways are prepared better for the current COVID-world than those who have not had their physical limitations as pronounced. 

Some trust financial stability, and the means to provide for their family or to maintain their standard of living. This year has taken its tolls on this safety net as well for many, with job losses, economic nosedives and general unease about what the future holds. Some put their trust in the control they have over the future, or at least the control they think they have. We go about our days assuming we know the future, and 2020 has basically blown that out of the water. I think my most common answer for my kids’ questions this year has been “I don’t know” as I don’t know what will happen with school, when we will get to see their grandparents in Texas, or even what next week will hold!

What we are really confronted with during this year particularly is how little control we have. We maintain an illusion of being in control of our lives, but we don’t realize how much this is a falsehood. 

So, what to do? I think (as strange as this sounds) it is a gift. I get to learn to trust God in a place where I recognize how little control I have. I get to walk in faith, believing He is holding me the whole way. I must trust, or I live in complete anxiety. I will stress about every little thing that’s happening, how I’m going to make it through, and what problems wait around the next corner. Instead, I choose to come back to the basics—Jesus loves me. He has a plan for my life that keeps putting me in the best place to know Him. I am not supposed to have enough on my own to live this life, but can trust Him to be all I need throughout each day. And He is making a way ahead, calling out my footsteps as I walk. I want the plan ahead of time, but He only gives me enough for today.

I know it can seem crazy, but there is such a sweetness in recognizing this moment-by-moment dependence we have on Him. And I do mean recognizing. This isn’t something that has developed as a result of the current state of the world—it was always true. We are just coming to terms with it. The more we can turn and rest, the more restful life will be. 

Whatever confronts you today, will you turn and rest? Choose to place your fears, worries, cares and concerns in the hands of God. Choose to trust Him, and watch Him love you through it all.

For this reason the Lord is still waiting to show his favor to you so he can show you his marvelous love. He waits to be gracious to you. He sits on his throne ready to show mercy to you. For Yahweh is the Lord of justice, faithful to keep his promises. Overwhelmed with bliss are all who will entwine their hearts in him, waiting for him to help them. Yes, the people of Zion who live in Jerusalem will weep no more. How compassionate he will be when he hears your cries for help! He will answer you when he hears your voice!  Even though the Lord may allow you to go through a season of hardship and difficulty, he himself will be there with you. He will not hide himself from you, for your eyes will constantly see him as your Teacher. When you turn to the right or turn to the left, you will hear his voice behind you to guide you saying, “This is the right path; follow it.” Isaiah 30:18-21