Hiding Place

Some days I need a place to hide. A place that is safe and always accessible, no matter what is going on around me. I am not denying the bad stuff—it’s definitely everywhere. But I can also experience a place in my spirit that rises above everything else, allowing me to rest. It seems like an oxymoron, right? Rest when everything is spinning like crazy. But over and over again, God calls us to rest.

I’ve been spending a lot of time praying through Psalm 31 recently. Especially when it comes to praying for many I know who are in danger, who feel as if their world is falling apart, who can’t find a safe place in the world at all. I am trusting God to be their hiding place, their rescue.

This is what I pray for them, and for you.

Father, you have seen our troubles, and you know we have no way of escape apart from you. I cry out for your beloved ones—don’t let them down! Rescue them as they cry out to you. Listen to their voices, and gather all their tears. Even if the way ahead seems impossible, be their strong shelter and hiding place that pulls them above the circumstance to see they are already seated with you in the heavenlies, and nothing can change that.

Remind them of this position they already hold, and the love with which you surround them. Bring glory to your name through delivering them, and bringing safety in a place where nothing is safe. Blow away the deceptions and illusions of power, leaving only truth and the worship of you that comes out of seeing the truth.

See our troubles in your mercy, and help us to be radiant with joy even when our souls feel crisis and doubt. Only you can empower us to do this, and only you can bring peace in the middle of turmoil. Bring us to freedom through your strength in our weakness.

Thank you that you don’t see brokenness as bad, but as an opportunity for your healing, your strength and your power to be visible to all. We are desperate—we need you to deliver us! We throw ourselves upon you, for you alone can bring us through.

Let us cast off shame and despair, for it can’t stand in the face of your favor. You look on us as your beloved ones. Hide us in the sheltered, secret place before your face. I picture being forehead to forehead with you, and breathe deep relief in the peace that falls around me. You keep us tucked away with you, even while our enemies try to end us.

You have not deserted us, even when sometimes it feels as if you have. Cheer us up, give us courage, remind us of your love. You will break through for us yet again, and we wait with anticipation for the breakthrough.

Rescue me quickly when I cry out to you. At the sound of my prayer may your ear be turned to me. Be my strong shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and breakthrough. Psalm 31:2