What We've Done in 2017

I have been thanking God over and over for those who have supported the ministry financially this year. You have truly made this possible. Here’s a little report on what your donations have achieved this year through Broken & Hopeful:

  • Hundreds of hours of donation-based counseling to those in need (including people in ministry, single/teen moms, sexual trafficking victims and others with limited resources). This means that most of them donated very little or nothing at all in the span of their counseling, so your support made it possible to encourage and bring hope to many in really tough circumstances. This was often done by Skype, Facetime or phone which allows me to rent an office hourly whenever I need it and keep overhead low rather than being tied into a monthly lease payment.

  • Production and release of a new book, Identity: Truth vs. Lie; Short, Simple Reminders of Who You Are in Christ. The purpose behind this book was to bring short encouragements to those who struggle to believe their true identity in Christ and live out of it. I find we often have to be told the truth repeatedly before we believe it.

  • Participation in a women’s retreat where I was able to help with the technology piece of things and do some counseling.

In 2018, these are the goals for the ministry:

  • Continue the hours of counseling with many in need through donation-based counseling.

  • Production and release of a video series that will help people who wish to personalize some of the counseling I do in their own time and space. This video series will come with a workbook and allow people to walk through several pieces of what I would work with people on in discipleship and pastoral counseling. My hope is that this will expand the work I can do in a limited time and increase the reach of those who might benefit from some of this work with Jesus.

I wanted to include a few little messages of encouragement from the people with whom I worked this year. It’s amazing the things that Jesus does in a person’s life. It’s not me! Jesus Christ loves on these people in a beautiful way through all the suffering and hardship and draws them into a deeper relationship with Himself.God used Hannah in a special way to point me to the truth of my identity in Him and away from the lies the enemy speaks of who I am not. It has been with a genuine and truthful grace that she helped me establish a foundation to see myself as God sees me. Simple, but life changing! -NancyA phrase that you recently said to me is, "I am a cared for, deeply-loved sheep." I have never felt good enough so I worked on my outer appearance to feel acceptable. With knee and back problems, I could no longer exercise, even walk much. Of course, I've gained weight, but I see that Jesus is orchestrating all this to draw the real me to Himself.  I am beginning to see the real me that is me lovable and kind and sensitive, apart from my outer appearance. I've never really gotten to know that real me until now, because I was so I obsessed with fixing the outside.  Jesus is healing me from the inside out. "I am being made whole and holy by His love." Ephesians 1:4 MSG   -LGod has taken what I thought was the worst thing to happen to me and transformed it into the best thing that could happen for me. I needed the heartache and the sorrow to know His healing, His joy, and His life in ways I never would have thought possible. I praise Him for His goodness! –AIf you are considering an end-of-year donation, I wanted to let you know that I have a very generous donor who has agreed to match anything raised in the month of November up to $15,000! So, if you are thinking about it, November would be a fantastic month to do so and double the money raised. Also, on Giving Tuesday (November 28), Facebook has made available a nonprofit match for all funds raised through the donate button on my Facebook page. Apparently Bill Gates is matching all funds raised through Facebook for nonprofits up to $2 million on that day.Thank you for your generosity and your response to God’s call to support this ministry. I am grateful and humbled.