To the Mamas and Those Who Wish They Were

I don’t always wake up feeling blessed by being a mama. Sometimes I wonder how I’m going to make it through the day without duct taping the kids to the wall to get a little peace and quiet. Sorry, just getting real here. And I would bet that if you are a mama, you have a few of those days yourself. All the people telling us to enjoy it because it goes so fast are right—I know they are. And I sometimes feel the time slipping away through my fingers at such an epic pace. I see how my babies aren’t babies anymore. I feel my son slip his hand out of mine on the way into school because big boys don’t really do that. I see my daughter want to do it all herself without any help, even if the pants end up on backwards.I know that’s the way it should be, so I’m not fighting that. But I do miss the baby smell sometimes, and the newborn snuggle into my neck. I know it’s not my time to have those now, and I get to steal a few moments of preciousness from my friends who do have the little bitty ones. But I also love the amazingness of the kids learning to be big. So, I’m a bit torn sometimes.My kids are learning and falling and trying and hurting and loving. I get to be a part of this, and I am so grateful. I know mamas that wished so much to be with their kids as they grew, but were called home to heaven instead of participating in that time. And I know mamas who had to bury their children, waiting until heaven to see them again. These are all such hard things, and they remind me to treasure the moments. Please remember those mamas on Mother’s Day, when things aren’t what they planned and they mourn. And those kids who celebrate their mothers in heaven, rather than bringing them homemade cards and beautiful treasures here on earth.To you who wish you were a mama but have not yet seen that dream become a reality, I see you. I know it’s hard, and you feel left out and forgotten. You are not forgotten. I see the way you mother so many around you, and listen patiently to those who complain about their kids while that is all you want. I hope God reminds you today of your incredible worth, and of His love for you in the midst of the longing.And to you, sweet mama, who is struggling through little ones or teenagers or grown children, I hope you can take a moment of gratitude this weekend to see the good, even in the hard. I hope you take a moment to treasure the small gooey kiss and the little hand tucked in yours. And the brief smile that you thought had gone from your adolescent’s face forever. And the call home from the grown child who wants to tell you about their struggles and hear your perspective. All of it can be hard, but all of it can be good too.Remember that God hasn’t called you to this motherhood thing because you are supposed to be good enough. I fail at the whole thing daily (sometimes hourly!) in one form or another. He has called you and will be enough for you. Take a minute and rest in that. We get so caught up in being all that we are “supposed to be” that we forget to be who God made us to be in Him. He hasn’t made us to be the perfect image of a mom, but rather a flawed human mom who needs Him all the time to love on those around her. Whether you are a mom now (in any stage of kid-dom) or a mom-in-longing, that is true about you. He provides the love for the people around you, and you get to be a part of that.Those are my prayers for you this weekend and beyond, my friends. I am grateful to walk with you in many various capacities. I learn so much from you. Happy Mother's Day.